
When you’re looking for a high-quality and professional way to decorate your polos, hats, bags or whatever it may be, then embroidery is your answer. The artwork is taken into our embroidery software and digitized - which turns it into a file that our embroidery machines can read. Then the design is sewn onto your items using the best threads for the job, leaving you with a long-lasting and professional garment or accessory.


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Every job is different - therefore pricing isn’t a one size fits all.
Every new design will need to be digitized - which is turning the art into a file that the embroidery machines will read.
You will be charged this setup fee only once, as long as no changes are made to the design.
The number of thread colors you use does not usually affect the price.
Pricing is dependent on these factors:
Type of items
Number of items
Size of design
Placement of design


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